
139 Art Reviews

62 w/ Responses

Awwww, this is a tear-evoking scene.....
Who's cutting onions?

The art is fantastic! And its very sweet too at the same time. That armor is stunning too.
The character looks familiar but I can't place him.
I love the message with this post too.
Great job!

Who's still cutting onions!?!?!

Really? Its been a long time I seen the animated Batman series lol
Actually there's so many I don't know which one I've watched, either way you did a fantastic job on this.

Undeadkitty13 responds:

thank you so much, this one is one of my favs
for the character is Mr. Freeze from Batman the animated series

Dang this is fantastic!!!!!
If Armin one of your own characters or is he from another series?
The details, and lighting and colors of this is fantastic!
Instant favorite!
His hair and the tear, wow! I love how you built the muscle of his body with the shading. That's something I haven't figured out how to do but would love to learn how. It gives this piece a more realistic look and feel even though the hair is more towards the anime side. And the fire!!! Don't get me started on the fire because its awesome! Can't do that kind of fire illustrating yet...lol
Can't you tel that I like this very much?
Dang! The description...well lack of one but it says so much. "Why Me?"
Whats that mean? Is this the end of a hero!?! Or.......dun dun DUNNN!!!
lol there goes my story writing half of my brain, writing a story to go with the illustration.
Great job! Figure I should end my review here lol
I can get wordy.

Edit: Well even if you didn't create him, he's still cool.
You know, I've been hearing a lot about Attack On Titian. What is that anyway?

Potterzilla responds:

Thank you so much !
Armin is a character from Attack on Titan, I didn't create him XD

This made my laugh good.
"Not even in his sleep may the hero rest...."
Link: A volcano is erupting? Not tonight!”

lol that egg, I hate to think what will happen to baby inside or perhaps its egg/ creature that likes to be in lava. I don't know, I don't play/follow Zelda stories or games much so I don't know if that's a egg for the series or not or if its one you just made up. I just like the art in the newer versions and the music.
Anyway, terrific great. Adding this to my favorites playlist.

Edit: Thats awesoem. It sounds like they had a lot of Zelda games out.
Again great job!

Potterzilla responds:

Thanks XD
That's from Link's Awakening. This game just got remade on the Swtich and it's amazing.
Yes, the egg is real hehe

eek, maggots.....
poor guy
Actually this kind of reminds of Dune by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. Don't know if you've heard of the books or seen the movie but it has these giant worms and it has a alien planet setting....
That's kind of the feel I see from this.
Very cool and great job.

Side note: Perhaps you can work on drawing your hands, even though this illustration is awesome, his hands look a little off. I am just trying to help you out so you can become a greater artist than what you were yesterday....as all artists are trying to do. Please don't dislike my comment....
Great job!
I added this to my favorites playlist by the way.

Edit: I'm glad I didn't sound like I was bashing you in for your hands. I'm the same. I've been drawing all my life but only in recent years have my hands been turning out fairly well...not to say I do get a wonky looking sized hand every now and then and I don't notice it until I've already inked it in.....lol
But yes, I do like this piece and if you ever do read or watch Dune, I'll warn you its weird but it has a interesting plot. I didn't sit through the whole movie, catching only bits and pieces but its fairly cool. I think like the books better though lol
Good luck in Inktober by the way.
I'm planning on posting every day, I only got 12 more days to draw out but I'm ready for it. lol

Ruedefaux responds:

I've heard of it but I havent read or seen anything about it XD but thats neat :D

and NO dont even worry about it XD i appreciate the feedback, and youre super polite about it on top of that, so its totally cool. i and many other artists struggle with drawing hands a lot-- theyre one of those body parts that are just... odd HAHA. but yes, i am working on it~ i kinda felt they were a bit off in this drawing as well when i was looking at it. in particular its THAT angle i struggle with too :'D

thank you for your words~

Sorry, Who's Leon?

Beside that, this is really cool art even if I don't know who Leon is lol
The details of it is insane and give it a mysterious look, especially with those alien(?) looking tentacle thingy.
The hair is cool...the shadows are awesome and the knife turned out cool as well.

Edit: aw that's neat. I've never watched the show but I have heard of it.

Ruedefaux responds:

One of the main characters of resident evil XD

Thank you :D

Awww, he's so cute! I thought about doing a alien but I figured aliens and clowns etc would be hot choice for most people the contest so I did something that its too common for a main theme...at least when I look up Halloween-related themes it doesn't come up.
This is mine to show you what I mean:https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/kaileahpnelson/protector-of-the-lost-children

But yes, your illustration is just out of this world awesome! I love the detail and depth you put into it too. How many hours did it take you to do this?

Edit: 4 hours? Awesome job man! I'll have to check out the video☺☺☺☺

rhys510 responds:

It took roughly 4 hours to make and i have made a video of it being made, i left it in the description! :D


Wow!!!!!!!!!! This is amazing! Look at that depth! that DETAIL! THOSE COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where do I even look first. There is so much to admire and take in that it blows your mind!
There is simply only one other thing that I can do beside giving a full 5 stars...and that's favoriting it!
Great job man, this is impressive.

Edit: Well I glad I left you speechless;) lol But seriously, you did a great job and you deserve it. It inspires me a lot too.

Alexandrowic responds:

I don't even know, how to respond :) Thank you! You're way to kind...

I've seen a lot of fan art of Sonic but I have to say this isn't bad. Its not the usual pose either. Cool.
I love the background, the colors are very eye-catching too.

This is super cool! and not bad for a 1st time lizard person. Great job!
I love that tiny detail in his skin/tail.

Hey I wondering, Are you going to enter the Newgrounds' spooktacular Halloween contest?
I got my entry submitted it and I really like he way it turned out.
If your skill that I've seen so far, I'm sure you'd create something insane!
This is what I did: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/kaileahpnelson/protector-of-the-lost-children

Edit: OK, well, if you do decide to enter, I'll look for yours;)

rsartist responds:

Thank you! I'm glad you like it... I didn't realize there was a contest, I'm not on here awful much, But I'll be sure to check out your piece :-)

Wow....just wow. The depth and detail of everything is insane. I love the colors and the love the mushrooms on his back and head showing a 3D effect.

Edit: ☺☺☺☺

theguestquester responds:

thank you very much! this motivates me a lot :D

Kaileah Nelson(K.N.Arts) is currently working on a action-pack, fantasy awing, sci-fi traveling, touch-of-comedy comic on WEBTOONS called CrossBridge Keepers. Check it out!

Age 25, Female

Webcomic Artist


Not Of This World

Joined on 8/12/19

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